There *shouldn’t* be a road just like it: Better Streets’ Lakefront Community Visioning calls for a lakefront without an 8-lane DLSD
Attendees want to see the shoreline highway transformed into a people-friendly boulevard with a dedicated transit corridor.
Where’s “Ace Mann”? Helping run the Critical Mass Twitter account, and chronicling just about every social bike ride in Chicago.
Mann talked about why he does so many rides, his surprising day job, and what Chicago should do to make this a safer cycling city.
CDOT is installing a lot more bikeways in 2024. Here’s an interactive map of the locations.
The Ward Wise civic tech group at Chi Hack Night put together the map, and graciously allowed Streetsblog to publish it.
Save Our Lakefront Rally draws huge crowd to Redefine the Drive open house, demanding a people-friendly DLSD layout
The advocates and elected officials who attended and spoke are upset that IDOT and CDOT's current plan simply rebuilds the 8-lane shoreline highway with no transit lanes.
Other recent stories
Another fantastic Bike the Drive highlights the benefits of making DLSD less car-centric
Mayor Johnson rode again this year, and said he's committed to improving walking and biking. Does that mean he'll stand up to IDOT's status-quo highway rebuild proposal?
Take a virtual ride on the very first 9 Ashland bus to cover the extended route to the Ravenswood Metra stop
This morning at 4:14 AM at Irving Park Road and Ashland Avenue, Streetsblog caught a northbound bus heading to the new corridor.
Wake them up *before* September ends: New statements from Amtrak, Ald. Conway, Mayor’s Office on Greyhound terminal negotiations
If action isn't taken by October 1, Chicago will become the world's largest northern hemisphere city with no intercity bus station.
Strong Towns Chicago had a summer of activities to make our city safer, more livable, and more resilient
The local chapter of the national organization has had a busy season of neighborhood walking tours, lobbying for transit-oriented developments, and presenting their own proposals.
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Recent pedestrian fatality cases on Chicago streets
Streetsblog updated our our map and list of 2024 Chicago pedestrian fatality cases to help make sure they are up-to-date. We may add additional info in the future.