John Kezdy, 64, singer of The Effigies, died after bike crash with delivery van stopped in bike lane
According to police, Kezdy was biking north on Sheridan Road in Glencoe when he collided with the vehicle.
Chicago’s e-scooter program is zooming ahead, but equity gaps remain
The city’s e-scooters are seeing increased use, but ridership lags in the city’s Black and Brown neighborhoods
Turning SUV driver failed to yield to woman, 48, in Pilsen crosswalk, killing her in front of 25th Ward office
"[This is] even more reason for the alderman to step up and do something about traffic safety in this city," said a Streetsblog reader.
Case of driver, 92, critically injuring bike rider at Valley Line Trail/Devon intersection raises multiple issues
Are RRFB signals really a good approach for trail safety? And why does Chicago have policies that force elderly people to drive?
County, CDOT hosted bike ride to look at the strengths and weaknesses of SE Side bike infrastructure
Feedback from the ride and an online survey will be used for the Lake Calumet Bike Network Study.
Has the Forest Park Rebuild been going smoothly or have there been snags? CTA, CTAction have different POVs.
On the bright side, yesterday's reopening of the Clinton and UIC-Halsted stations seemed to go with no major snafus.