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• Tribune looks at the current reduction in CTA rail service
• WBEZ: "CTA sees surge in hiring over the past year," although Commuters Take Action noted "rail operator headcount remains stagnant"
• Letter: Mayor Johnson should consider appointing Kam Buckner as the head of the CTA (Tribune)
• Hit-and-run driver killed ped, 55, Friday 8 PM at Wolcott/Cermak, 2 blocks E. of where driver killed Irene Celestino Devillada, 48, on August 23 (CBS)
• ATA: "New law requires CDOT to identify contributing factors in fatal crashes"...
• ...The law was sponsored by Ald. Silverstein (50th), who was motivated by death of Hershel Weinberger, 9, in 2021, killed by an off-duty police officer
• Water taxi back on Chicago River for first time since pandemic (Block Club)
• Commuters Take Action holds "Cut Carter" protest this Friday 10/13, 5:30 PM at CTA headquarters, 567 W. Lake
• On Sunday 10/22, CBGN! leads a 6 mile, 10 mph loop from Palmisano Park through Near South neighborhoods as part of its Tour De Grid series
• City Civics Day Saturday 11/4 at Epiphany Hall, 201 S. Ashland Ave. will feature sessions on rails-to-trails and safe streets projects
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