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John Greenfield

In addition to editing Streetsblog Chicago, John has written about transportation and more for many other local and national publications. A Chicagoan since 1989, he enjoys exploring the city and region on foot, bike, bus, and train.

Turning trucker fatally struck Chauncie J. Lewis, 33, lying on the sidewalk in West Garfield Park

Tragically, no intervention was done for two hours after a citizen called to request help for Lewis, after which he was struck, as the caller feared would happen.

October 19, 2023

Pedestrian fatally struck at Chicago/DLSD, which has stoplights, but no east-west crosswalks

Perhaps it would be wise to install a pedestrian crosswalk or two at the intersection in the future.

October 17, 2023

Ald. Martin: Broadway/Winona Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Improvements will start construction later this week

The project is one of several innovative walk/bike/transit safety infrastructure initiatives planned or happening in the 47th Ward.

October 16, 2023

Dozens of advocates show up in the rain to call for overhauling the CTA at Cut Carter Protest

Said CTAction cofounder Fabio Göttlicher of CTA President Dorval Carter Jr., "It’s perhaps time to realize you’re not ready for a marathon and retire from the race."

October 16, 2023