• Today People for Bikes once again rated Chicago as one of the absolutely worst US cities for biking. Read our recent interview where they explain why.
• Alders beware: If you're involved with efforts to add a drive-through to a biz, making your ward less walkable, you may go to jail (WTTW, Block Club)
• Timber! Tree fell on tracks on Metra MD-N Line near Mayfair station, stopping trains today around 7:30 AM, back in service by 8 AM (FOX)
• RTA board voted in favor of integrated day pass for unlimited rides on CTA, Metra and Pace (Mass Transit)
• Renovations coming to Olympia Fields, Chicago State University Metra Electric District stations (Southtown)
• Bollards installed on Mag Mile prevent burglaries. Mainstream media: Woohoo! Ditto on LFT to protect peds, cyclists. Mainstream media: Crickets.
• GoodGoodGood publishes an (partly AI-generated?) celebration of Chicago's sustainable transportation efforts

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