- Candidates weigh in on One Central megadevelopment plan, including dubious "transit hub" (Crain's)
- Driver strikes another vehicle head-on near 21st/Ashland, then crashes into house, no serious injuries (ABC)
- North Chicago man charged with DUI months after being badly injured in crash (Tribune)
- After Wood Dale alder warned highway chief Route 83 near his home was dangerous, trucker destroyed home (NBC)
- The CTA is adding tactile bus stop signs along #3 and #82 routes, bringing the signs to a total of 14 bus routes
- The CTA seeks community input on new artwork for 18th Pink Line station
- Out our Front Door Hootenany Fundraiser Tuesday 4/11, 7 PM at Metropolitan Brewing, 3057 N. Rockwell

I’d like to give a big thanks to everyone who has chipped in so far to help Streetsblog Chicago raise $50K to keep the site rolling smoothly in 2023. You can make a tax-exempt donation here.
Thanks for your support, and have a great spring.
– John Greenfield, editor, Streetsblog Chicago