- Driver fatally struck Renuka Desai, 70, as she crossed Skokie's 5-lane Howard/Skokie intersection in crosswalk (ABC)
- ...Less than a week after motorist struck pedestrian on 6-lane Touhy Ave. at Central Ave. in Skokie (CBS)
- 4 women, including 2 pedestrians, injured when two drivers collided Thursday afternoon at Washington/Canal (CBS)
- Burnett wants 17-story tower at 415 N. Sangamon, 5 minutes from 'L', to have more than 20 car spots (CBS)
- Metra will increase number of weekday trains on SouthWest Service from 12 to 30, starting 1/16 (Patch)
- Pace, Metra hold open house seeking input on Harvey station design 1/9 through 1/13 at Harvey library
- Park district holds virtual Grant Park Framework Plan community meeting Wednesday 1/11 at 6:30 PM
- Notes and video from 12/8 Chicago Mobility Collective meeting posted. Submit ideas for 3/16 session by 1/11

I’d like to give a big thanks to everyone who has chipped in so far to help Streetsblog Chicago raise $50K by January 31 to keep the site rolling smoothly in 2023. You can make a tax-exempt donation here.
Thanks for your support, and have a great new year.
– John Greenfield, editor, Streetsblog Chicago