- ATA: RTA's regional transit plan needs more specifics on how it will address fiscal cliff, service, fare integration
- CTA bus operators say the new schedule will force drivers with seniority to work earlier and later hours (Block Club)
- 3 injured, including 2 critically injured teens, after driver of stolen car hit squad car at 79th/Avalon in Avalon Park (ABC)
- Driver charged with hit-and-run after causing head-on crash that injured 3, 1 critically in North Chicago on 12/24 (LMS)
- CNT's Jacky Grimshaw discusses how policy makers and engineers can understand equity in transportation planning (TRB)
- Bike Lane Uprising's database for documenting bikeway obstructions is back online
- Should the Land of Lincoln give Missouri southern Illinois in exchange for St. Louis? (Chicago Magazine)
- Equiticity hosts the North Lawndale Racial Justice Ride Monday 1/16 meeting 10:30 AM at Lawndale Christian Fitness Center
Streetsblog Chicago will resume publication on Tuesday. Enjoy the weekend.

I’d like to give a big thanks to everyone who has chipped in so far to help Streetsblog Chicago raise $50K by January 31 to keep the site rolling smoothly in 2023. You can make a tax-exempt donation here.
Thanks for your support, and have a great new year.
– John Greenfield, editor, Streetsblog Chicago