- Guy hanging out with ex-alder Joe Moreno threw a cup of cider at Ald. LaSpata during ward bike ride (Block Club)
- 1 killed, 2-year-old among 8 seriously hurt after left-turning driver failed to yield in Gurnee (ABC)
- Person fatally struck at Bryn Mawr station during Friday PM rush, causing Red, Purple delays (Tribune)
- 2 car occupants in serious condition after Metra crash near 111th/Marshfield in Morgan Park (WGN)
- Suspect charged with battery after inappropriately touching two women on Roosevelt Red platform (FOX)
- Teen charged after allegedly bringing gun onto Red Line at Chicago Avenue (FOX)
- Naperville ranked the fourth safest U.S. city for trick-or-treating (NBC)
- New study by Bordenkircher, Schwieterman et. al looks efforts to fight climate change with vehicle electrification
- John rates the Lightfoot administration on sustainable transportation matters (WCPT)

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