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• Tribune columnist Laura Washington asks the Ten Thousand Dollar Question: "Why is Dorval Carter Jr. still head of the CTA?"
• Pedestrian safety measures still lacking at many rail crossings — sometimes with tragic results (Tribune)
• CBS: Pastor helps young people surrender for CTA robberies
• WGN: Oak Forest eliminates daily parking fees at Metra commuter lots
• Hilarious new satire piece (we hope) in the Sun-Times: "Don't put bike lanes on city's main streets... then on the main streets traffic [would] flow freely."
• Video: What's it like riding the Amtrak Southwest Chief from Chicago to Los Angeles? (Sojournies)
• CCM cofounder Michael Burton performs with Urban Spaceman at a concert for the controversial Belden/St. Louis road hole Sat. 9/28, 4 PM (Block Club)

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