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• Wake them up *before* September ends! New letter from advocacy groups urges Mayor Johnson, CDOT chief to take action to save Greyhound station
• Block Club Chicago looks at the City's behind-the-scene plan to give the Dickens Greenway's plaza at Dickens/Lincoln Park West back to drivers
• CTA ridership up from last year, according to latest report (WGN)
• Block Club Chicago: CTA’s new AI gun-detection program shrouded in Secrecy — with no end date planned
• 13 injured, including 2 children, after SUV drivers crashed into CTA 79 bus this morning around 8:30 AM at 79th/Maryland in Grand Crossing (CBS)
• Woodlawn's Blackstone Bicycle Works provides Chicago children with free bikes, real-life skills (ABC)
• Waukegan library installs bicycle repair station downtown: "It was a no-brainer to do this" (Tribune)
• A (mostly spurious but not completely awful) Sun-Times letter claims, probably inaccurately, that protected bike lanes on Logan contribute to flooding
• Brendan Kevenides from FK Law (an SBC sponsor) shares opinion on the pros and cons of protected lane design on Milwaukee (Chicagoans Who Bike)
• Fellow bike attorney Mike Keating (also an SBC sponsor) whose office is literally on Milwaukee near Chicago Ave., probably has some thoughts as well!

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