• Block Club looks at the largely completed Complete Streets project on 24th Street/Boulevard in Little Village, with a short section of PBLs that is flooding
• CBS looks at the closure of the outbound side of Western CTA Brown Line station for renovation project
• Architecture firm Lamar Johnson Collaborative has released renderings of proposed pedestrian upgrades for the Magnificent Mile
• New report: "Chicago Is About to Become the Largest City in the Northern Hemisphere without an Intercity Bus Terminal"
• High Speed Rail Alliance hosts "Chicago's Intercity Bus Hub Is at Risk" Tuesday 8/27 with reps from DePaul, Better Streets, FlixBus and Ald. Rosa (35)
• Active Transportation Alliance’s main fundraiser Bike the Drive is happening this Sunday 9/1 (Choose Chicago)
• Chicago Critical Mass this Friday 8/30, assembling around 5:30 and leaving around 6 PM from Daley Plaza, 50 W. Washington (The Chainlink)

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