• CTA passenger in his late 20s shot to death, bus driver wounded in shoulder during altercation Monday around 12:14 AM on 3400 block of S. State (ABC)
• WBBM discusses the reinstallation of the accidentally removed ghost bike for Gerardo Marciales, 41, killed on bike in February 2022 at Balbo/DLSD
• Occupants escape serious injury after car struck by MDN train Sunday around 8 PM near Ingleside stop by Fox Lake at location without signal arms (WGN)
• Naperville Park District closes ped bridge over creek in Springbrook Parkway natural area after inspection reveals deficiencies (Tribune)
• After bollards installed to discourage unauthorized, dangerous driving on The Point, Block Club amplifies claims that previous complaints were "unfair"
• Sun-Times: "Last year’s rainy Chicago Street Race was a slapstick riot. It's time for some NASCAR substance"
• NW Center hosts Bikes 4 Belmont Cragin community ride 7/20, starting 11 AM at Riis Park, 6100 W. Fullerton Ave. at Divvy station on Meade St. (Chainlink)

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