• Tribune: CTA, Metra and Pace could launch day pass to be used across all three transit systems
• Sun-Times editorial: NASCAR Chicago returns, but will it pay off for the city?
• One adult, 6 children injured in crash Wednesday afternoon near 21st/Michigan in South Loop (ABC)
• Speeding hit-and-run car driver struck another vehicle, injuring family of 4, and hit struck boy, 13, on bicycle Wednesday around 6:36 PM in Rogers Park (ABC)
• Riot Fest's move from Douglass Park to Bridgeview will satisfy opponents, but make event much less walk/bike/transit-friendly for Chicagoans (NBC, Loerzel)
• ABC: "Sanitizer sale 'fiasco': How Metra's first-ever real estate purchase buried it in sinking money pit"
• Metra awards contract to rebuild 95th St./Chicago State University Station
• State of the West Loop: 6,500 new apartments, more cops, road upgrades and a park (Block Club)
• Transport Chicago conference takes place Friday at voco Chicago Downtown at Wolf Point
• Register for Active Transportation Alliance's 9/1 Bike the Drive fundraiser by noon today and you'll save $10

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