• Driver hospitalized after crashing into semi-truck Thursday morning around 3 AM in southbound lanes of I-294 near milepost 1.5 (CBS)
• After semi-truck driver crashed this morning, westbound lanes on I-80 Des Plaines River bridge shut down (CBS)
• CDOT: State/Lake 'L' station reconstruction contract "is currently out for bids and we expect construction to begin by the end of the year"
• Protected bike lanes, bus islands planned for dangerous 1-mile stretch of Division Street between California and Grand avenues (Block Club)
• It looks like the Wells-Wentworth Connector road with raise bike lanes, which CDOT was hoping to open last September, wont be opening anytime soon
• Block Club: Englewood school will teach neighbors to advocate for developments that serve them best
• Tweed Ride Saturday 5/4, 11 AM meeting at Chicago Avenue / Forest Avenue in Oak Park, 1 block S. of Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio (Chainlink)
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