• WBEZ takes a deep dive into Chicago's bike crash problem, including an interview with recently injured advocate David Teeghman
• WBEZ survey wants to know: "Have you or someone you know been in a bicycle [crash] in Chicago? Tell us what happened."
• CPD releases images of suspects in pick-pocketing, October 26, 12:45 PM at the Washington station platform (FOX)
• Multiple robberies on Englewood 'L' platforms in October (Hoodline)
• Sun-Times letter: Let large pets, like my dog Doris, ride on the CTA
• Find 500 of Chicago’s secret destinations in Lauren Viera's new guidebook (Block Club
• SouthSide Critical Mass tonight, 5:45 PM at Nichols Park, 55th/Kimbark, riding to Ricobene's for breaded steak sandwiches
• Hyundai offering anti-theft upgrades at Sox Park this weekend (Block Club)
• CTA's Building Small Businesses Program hosts an info session Thursday, 11/9, 5-7 PM at HACIA U Training Room, 650 W. Lake Street, Suite 230
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