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• CTA planning a chatbot, other real time updates for riders (NBC)
• Working Bikes recycles bikes, helps people transform their lives (WBBM)
• Ravenswood senior center neighbors are stars of new mural (Block Club)
• Metra adds service on BNSF and UP-NW lines for Bike the Drive
• Chicago Family Cycling had 4 rides across Chicago and Evanston last weekend, with Roscoe Village Ride on September 3
• Bicyclist volunteers needed for test of IDOT's new bike-friendly rumble strip design Sunday 9/17, 9:30 AM near Peotone (Ride Illinois)
• Chicago Muslim Cycling Club meets Saturdays at Ohio Street Beach
Editor's note: After being seriously injured on his bicycle in southern Illinois this spring, Streetsblog Chicago editor John Greenfield is in the process of recovering. He recently returned to running SBC on a low-key basis, including publishing Today's Headlines and putting out daily articles. We appreciate all who have been supportive during this time. Thanks for reading!

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