• Tribune editorial: To boost ridership, take Metra beyond the 9-to-5 commute
• Eastbound 92-year-old driver critically injures man, 27, biking south across 4-lane Devon at flashing beacon Valley Line Trail crossing near Kedzie (CBS)
• Nakari Campbell, 17, critically injured by hit-and-run driver on 8/4 at Division/Ashland "no longer in coma, has been alert and speaking" (Block Club)
• Two children, one adult seriously injured Monday around 9 AM in crash involving CFD firetruck driver near 71st/Wentworth in Englewood (WGN)
• Hit-and-run driver in red sedan seriously injured man, about 50, crossing 6-lane 8600 block of Stony Island Ave. at around 1:44 AM (ABC)
• Building crash: Client of Skokie nail salon drove car into its storefront in the 4000 block of Oakton, no injuries (ABC)
• Neighbors complain to CBS about Warrenville's plans to build bike path on the edge of their property, across street from forest preserve (CBS)
• CTA announced last week that weekend track renewal may impact trains on 8/26-27 at Central Purple Line station in Evanston (Tribune)
• Metra BNSF won't stop at the Westmont Station on 8/26-27 due to track work at the station and adjacent Cass Avenue crossing
• Major Taylor Trail Keepers Celebration Ride this Saturday 8/26 8 AM at Dan Ryan Woods
• Metra offers special Heritage Corridor service on 6 Saturdays this fall, providing opportunities to explore bike and running paths, fests, breweries,
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Editor's note: After being seriously injured on his bicycle in southern Illinois this spring, Streetsblog Chicago editor John Greenfield is in the process of recovering. He recently returned to running SBC on a low-key basis, including publishing Today's Headlines and putting out daily articles. We appreciate all who have been supportive during this time. Thanks for reading!