- More coverage of Dorval Carter's ghosting of his own City Council hearing (Block Club, Tribune, Crain's, WTTW)
- Road diet opponent John Garrido talks about pedestrian injury crash on 4-lane high-speed Devon in Norwood Park (ABC)
- Man charged in 9/6 murder of Michael Byrnes, 41, at LaSalle/Van Buren says victim shouldn't have fought back (Sun-Times)
- Man arrested for three different pickpocketing incidents along the Red Line (FOX)
- Smoking on CTA is its own punishment: Man robbed of wallet after pulling it out to buy a cig on Grand platform (FOX)
- Brookfield walking tour showcases efforts to improve conditions for pedestrians and bike riders (ATA)
- Protocol: Google Maps could improve bike directions by taking cues from the Mellow Chicago Bike Map
- City’s ‘Open Boulevards’ series returns in Bronzeville, Logan Square and North Lawndale (Block Club)

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