- 7 killed after speeding wrong-way driver strikes van with mother and 5 children on 1-90 (CBS)
- SUV driver, 21, crashes into sedan in Park Ridge, killing passenger and critically injuring driver (WGN)
- Driver fatally struck man on 4500 block of W. Diversey in Hermosa and fled
- CPD officer seriously injured in crash with unlicensed teen at Madison/Central Park (WGN)
- NBC Chicago interviews John about our city's hit-and-run fatality epidemic
- Can new 43 Green TOD revitalize Bronzeville without displacing residents? (Reader)
- Lake Forest is replacing the bike-ped bridge over Woodland between Western and McKinley
- CLA: Lolla results in near-peak ped counts on State Street and elsewhere in the Loop (ABC)
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