- Family of Anthony Alvarez, killed while fleeing officers, marches to demand justice (Block Club)
- Man died Monday morning after getting pinned between Red Line and 87th platform (Sun-Times)
- Hit-and-run SUV driver seriously injured male pedestrian, 33, in Chatham (Sun-Times)
- Witnesses: Driver intentionally struck Logan picnickers after yelling anti-Asian comments (Tribune)
- Outdoor roller rink proposed for W. Garfield; some residents worried about crime (Block Club)
- WBEZ checks out the abandoned S. Chicago velodrome, now how to drive-in church services
- McHenry County's Pedalpalooza 5/22-23 will raise funds for Family Health Partnership Clinic
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Here are some tips on preventing the spread of the coronavirus, and advice for Chicagoans on what to do if you think you may have been exposed to the virus.

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