- Hundreds of Chicagoans take to the street to demand that every vote be counted (Tribune)
- Pritzker warns of "painful" cuts after Fair Tax proposal fails at the ballot box (Tribune)
- 1 killed in Eisenhower Expressway crash after driver rear-ends semi-truck (ABC)
- Metra, Amtrak ask to continue mediation of Chicago Union Station dispute (Trains)
- Meet Lee Crooks, the Milwaukeean who records CTA announcement (On Milwaukee)
- Ex=messenger Andrea Jablonski is painting a mural at Ainslie/Western arts plaza (Block Club)
- Homewood brothers organize a 24-hour bike ride for charity (HF Chronicle)
- Who’s the former state senator known to bike from his Chicago home to Springfield? (Politico)
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Here are some tips on preventing the spread of COVID-19, and advice for Chicagoans on what to do if you think you may have been exposed to the virus.

I’d like to give a big thanks to everyone who has donated so far to help Streetsblog Chicago raise $50K by January 1. Along with the $75K pledged by the Chicago Community Trust for our 2021 budget, this will allow us to promote assistant editor Courtney Cobbs to co-editor and launch a new weekly series on mobility justice issues impacting Chicago's Latino communities. Can you help us win the grant by chipping in? You can make a tax-exempt donation here.
Thanks for your support, and enjoy your autumn.
– John Greenfield, editor, Streetsblog Chicago