- Cabbies react to the new ride-hail tax, decrease in the taxi medallion license renewal fee (Tribune)
- Victim-blaming about the Carla Aiello and Lee Luellen bike fatality cases in Austin Weekly News
- Man critically injured by CTA bus driver last month in Chatham is suing the CTA (Sun-Times)
- Possible Metra extension into Kendall County focus of upcoming meetings (Tribune)
- While State Sen. Sandoval chaired the Transportation committee, relatives were given transit jobs (Sun-Times)
- Faulty e-Citi Bikes were stripped of electric parts (so not a safety hazard) and rebranded as Divvies (Daily News)
- St. Charles aldermen support countywide bike-share program, but logistical questions remain (Daily Herald)
- Life-size bear sculptures are coming to the Pedway this winter (Loop Alliance)
Streetsblog Chicago will be off for the holiday and resume publication on Monday. Have a great Thanksgiving.

I’d like to give a big thanks to everyone who has donated so far this year to help us raise $50K by our December 1 deadline in order to win the $50K challenge grant from the Chicago Community Trust. Can you help us win the grant by chipping in? You can make a tax-exempt donation here.
Thanks for your support, and enjoy your autumn.
– John Greenfield, editor, Streetsblog Chicago