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A sneak peek at the new Clark Street protected lanes between Montrose and Irving Park

It appears people on bikes can look forward to a more relaxing, protected ride on this stretch of Clark, maybe as early as next week.

November 3, 2023

Twitter comes to the rescue for fixing a wheelchair-hostile sidewalk

It's fine to shout from the rooftops about an infrastructure problem via Twitter like John did. But it's also a good idea to file a request via the 311 app.

October 31, 2023

Ald. Martin: Broadway/Winona Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Improvements will start construction later this week

The project is one of several innovative walk/bike/transit safety infrastructure initiatives planned or happening in the 47th Ward.

October 17, 2023

Stretch of Leland in Uptown where Lily Shambrook, 3, was fatally struck last year, is getting safety upgrades

The street is not getting major bikeway improvements, but hopefully planned curb bump-outs will lead to safer driver behavior.

September 13, 2023

After a driver killed Soyfa Athamanah Tuesday, #ChiCrosswalkAction protest demands a safer Winona/Broadway

Protesters said that transportation decision-makers have blood on their hands for Athamanah's death.

July 28, 2023

Hit-and-run driver killed pedestrian Soyfa Athamanah, 69, as she crossed Broadway in Uptown.

Sun-Times photographer Tyler Pasciak LaRiviere witnessed the killing, and said he thinks it was intentional.

July 27, 2023