• CTA shrugging off pandemic service lows; how about Metra and Pace? (Daily Herald)
• Hit-and-run driver killed construction worker Francisco Javierpadilla-Gutierrez Monday around 9:30 PM on Kennedy near Kinzie (CBS)
• State trooper hospitalized after driver struck him while he was investigating previous crash Monday around 10:20 AM on I-57 near 107th (ABC)
• Metra UP-NW trains delayed after trespassing incident in Barrington; person in custody (FOX)
• Chicken soup for the transit advocate's soul: A CTA track worker is donating a kidney to his coworker (ABC)
• Homewood will host Metra budget hearing this Thursday 11/7, 4 to 6 PM at Homewood Village Hall, 2020 Chestnut Rd. (HF Chronicle)
• Active Trans Zoom Chat on 25 mph speed limit campaign, CDOT crash report, Project Sidewalk this Friday 11/8, noon to 1 PM. Register here.

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