• Transit agency: "CTA Returns to Pre-Pandemic Rail Service Levels with New Fall Schedule," but will it actually be able to fulfill the scheduled runs?
• During a bad week for Mayor Johnson, his pick For RTA board, yet another pastor with no transit experience, was rejected by City Council (Block Club)
• Sun-Times: CTA Yellow Line train operator faces firing under rules on alcohol use — but agency can't take action yet
• Woman, 32, died, 3 others injured after NB driver struck light pole Sunday around 2 AM near Montrose/DLSD (ABC)
• Driver shot man, 22, on bicycle in lower back and fled the scene, following "quarrel" Saturday around 6:20 PM at Roosevelt/Wabash (CBS)
• Four people charged with robbery and mob action after assault and robbery of woman, 32 on CTA bus Tuesday around 2:30 PM near 51st/Western (FOX)
• CBS: Motorcycle riders keep taking over the 41st St. DLSD pedestrian bridge to the Lakefront Trail, and residents have had it
• While People for Bikes says Chicago bike communiting is awful, a new Strava report says it's awesome. Maybe the truth is somewhere in between?
• Revolution Brewing's Logan brewpub, which hosted many sustainable transportation events, is closing as company focuses on wholesale (Block Club)
• Hot dog! Divvy says they're going to try to make amends for John's Wieners Circle-related bike-share karma error

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