• Reader: A plan to merge the CTA, Metra, and Pace could bring massive changes to public transportation. But what exactly does it do?
• 3 hurt, including 2 Chicago police officers, in Near West Side crash (ABC)
• Hit-and-run driver who ran stop sign injured 2 teen bicyclists, 1 critically at Roy/Lyndale in Northlake; suspect in custody (ABC, NBC)
• Driver, 47, suffers head injury after rear-ending CTA bus Thursday around 11:30 PM in Hyde Park (Tribune)
• Police seek woman who attacked, robbed Blue Line rider 8/29 on Pulaski platform (FOX)
• WIFR: Metra is on track to bring big benefits to the Rockford housing market
• ComEd cited for giant, unfixed hole in street near 50th/Champlain in Washington Park
• Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi reveals impact of TIF on the sinking property assessments of Loop office buildings (ChiGov.com)
• NYT: 18,000 miles later, an American woman has cycled from Chicago around the world and back
• ATA hosts Chicago Advocacy Connect webinar on NDLSD, speed limit, saving Chicago's intercity bus station today 9/13, noon - 1 PM. Register here.

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