• NASCAR, a money-loser for Chicago that negatively impacts walk/bike/transit while glorifying driving, is returning to our city next year (Block Club)
• Sun-Times: CTA testing artificial intelligence to detect guns at train stations, but ACLU is raising questions
• Jim Crowley, former Chicago police officer paralyzed by a drunk driver in 1987 at 15th/Ashand in Pilsen, died at age 59 (WGN)
• CTA: Cleaning crews near the finish line for "Refresh & Renew" 2024
• CTA: Let us do the work this Labor Day Weekend
• Per cycling advocate Michelle Stenzel, Sunday's ATA fundraiser Bike the Drive is "Like gliding along in a sunshiny daydream" (Sun-Times)
• To mark 40th anniversary of O'Hare service, CTA offers rides on vintage 6000-series cars this Sunday, 9/1 beginning at 10 a.m. from ORD Blue Line station
Streetsblog Chicago will be off on Monday and resume publication on Tuesday 9/3. Have a great Labor Day!

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