• Rep. Kam Buckner talks with ex-Trib columnist Mary Wisniewski about the campaign to make DLSD more people-friendly, which IDOT rejected (Newcity)
• CTA announces launch of new Bus Vision Project "to help guide public conversations about bus-service and future planning"
• Tribune: The DNC will bring secured, pedestrianized streets, CTA changes and possibly a new station. Here’s how it will affect residents and commuters
• Driver, 35, shot in arm, crashed into ped, 19, Thursday around 6:30 PM near 47th/Western in Brighton Park, both hospitalized in good condition (Sun-Times)
• CPD: Man, 30-35, allegedly attacked person with pliers, began strangling them, and robbed them 7/14 around 9:53 PM on Red Line near 47th (CBS)
• Just a Few Questions podcast host Marc Sims asked Kam Buckner "Will the CTA ever be safe, at night, for scaredy-cat men like me?"
• UIC's Urban Transportation Center research team seeks feedback from HR and corporate managers for IDOT-funded study, including survey and interviews
• Choose CTA to get to all the family fun at Fiesta del Sol (CTA)
• Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee meets Monday 7/29, 10 AM at City Hall to discuss bus infrastructure upgrades (Daily Line)

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