• Some of Chicago's bike/walk/transit-friendly alders weigh in on Biden's announcement (La Spata [1], Rodriguez [22], Vasquez [40], Knudsen [43])
• Sedan driver, 18, died after running red light, striking CTA bus, causing it to crash into building, Saturday, around 4 AM at 26th/Pulaski in Little Village (ABC)
• ISP: Person was walking across Bishop Ford Freeway at 159th after another crash and was fatally struck by a driver around 2:30 AM in South Holland (CBS)
• Driver, 32, charged with road rage killing nearly two years after Mateo Zastro, 3, was fatally shot while riding in his mom’s car on SW Side (Block Club)
• ATA letter to Tribune: "Despite pockets of progress, our city’s overall efforts to create safe, accessible cycling networks are falling dangerously short."
• Sun-Times: City halfway through giving away 5,000 bikes
• Block Club: Sterling Bay’s Marcey Street development still on hold — as is neighboring Lincoln Yards
• TOD proposed at 1200 W. Fulton with 1079 units, 217 affordable, 440 car spots, 0.3 miles from the Morgan Green/Pink station (Block Club)
• Chicago Critical Mass is Friday, 5:30 PM at Daley Plaza, 50 W. Washington. After violence 2 months in a row, hopefully things will stay peaceful.

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