• Daily Herald: A major shake-up of Metra, CTA and Pace? Now’s the time to speak out as public hearings kick off
• Chicago Reader: Passengers are slowly returning to the CTA, but some Chicagoans have put down their Ventra cards for new ways to travel the city
• WBEZ makes dubious claim that using speed cameras to get Chicago drivers to slow down [to 25 mph] "will come with a cost — both in time and money."
• Sun-Times: DNC is using CTA offices sublet from a developer whose company has stiffed CTA, Cook County for over $2M in rent and property taxes
• Driver fatally struck female standing outside vehicle Friday around 7 AM in WB lanes of I-80 near Shorewood in Will County (Sun-Times)
• Male suspect arrested soon after allegedly stabbing man, 18, in the forehead and robbing him at Orange Archer station (ABC)
• More letter to Chicago Tribune: Cyclists in Chicago need drivers to do their part to ensure their safety
• "B-More timely and reliable." A visitor from Baltimore discusses upsides and downsides of riding the CTA (@phriendlyphotog)
• West Humboldt Park gets community plaza at Chicago Avenue and Central Park to help revitalize business corridor (Block Club)
• Transit authority Knuckles down to keep providing music of Chicago’s South Side from the AESOP DJ booth at the 95th/Dan Ryan Red Line station (CTA)
• Ald. Vasquez wonders if "God or Mother Nature is sending Chicago a message 2 years in a row" by raining on the car-glorifying NASCAR race

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