• Public hearings coming soon on plan to consolidate CTA, Metra, Pace, including 7/9, 10 AM at 160 N. La Salle, Chicago (Daily Herald, Ben Szalinski)
• Block Club: Milwaukee Avenue’s reopening between Kilbourne and Kenneth, where drivers killed 2 bike riders, delayed again as Metra misses deadline
• Letter: Improve Milwaukee/Maryland in Niles where driver killed Yalda D. Shabou, 86, on 6/16, by eliminating beg button, extending walk signal (Tribune)
• CTA Red, Brown, Purple lines delayed Monday around 5:30 AM due to person on tracks near Belmont Station, person was alert and speaking to CPD (ABC)
• Last week driver ran red at Montrose/Clark, struck another car, smashed into Anna Maria Pasteria, fundraiser for biz launched (Block Club)
• Edgewater diner Alexander’s closes temporarily after driver crashes through front door (Block Club)
• 53 arrested, including 9 juveniles, in Lakeview hours after Pride celebrations, police say; witnesses report dozens were dancing on top of CTA buses (ABC)
• Metra adds extra trains for NASCAR (Boo, hiss!) Chicago Street Race weekend (NBC)
• Metra Electric trains experienced extensive delays Monday morning after downtown Chicago wire problems (ABC)
• Recent article from Hyde Park Herald about gate installed near The Point to help prevent unauthorized driving on LFT, parking on the grass
• So many Divvy bikes are in Lake Michigan that there’s now a group dedicated to fishing them out (Block Club)
• Chicago Tribune publishes gallery of (SFW, sort of) photos of Saturday's World Naked Bike Ride

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