• Ex-ATA staffer Steve Buchtel discusses how late May killing of cyclist Steven Bender, 73, near Country Club Hills highlights need for safer bike infra (CBS)
• Ghost bike for Gerardo Marciales, 41, killed on bike in February 2022 at Balbo/DLSD by driver who ran red, reinstalled after accidental removal (CBS)
• Pace: "As we celebrate 40th anniversary, ridership surges to highest levels since the pandemic hit Chicagoland
• CBS: New CTA Green Line stop, other projects being expedited in Chicago ahead of DNC
• TransitCenter released updated version of Transportation Equity Dashboard, featuring 7 US cities with the highest transit ridership, including Chicago
• After discussing CTA board meeting, including CTA/Pace/Metra day pass pilot for SBC, Studenkov takes a deeper dive into the pilot for Evanston Roundtable
• Metra schedules impacted Thursday by Matteson freight train derailment (NBC)
• Annual World Naked Bike Ride returns to Chicago Saturday night (NBC)

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