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• Letters to Sun-Times: Complaints about service, conditions on the CTA from a rider, praise for Metra from RTA Chair Kirk Dillard
• Un-pallet-able: No injuries from fire at pallet factory on Hubbard between Damen and Hoyne but Metra service halted, restored by 8:12 PM (NBC)
• Loop Alliance says downtown pedestrian traffic is skyrocketing, but what's being done to fill empty storefronts on State, Michigan? (ABC)
• Lincolnwood supports installing flashing safety lights on Valley Line Trail, but is not willing to chip in on $50K cost, since the project will be in Skokie (Tribune)
• Kane County officials stress the importance of obeying speed limits – if you're riding an e-bike (Beacon-News)
• Proposed West Loop towers 0.3 miles from Morgan stop would have 667 units, 133 affordable... and 509 parking spots? (Block Club)
• Why did The Infatuation fly from Chicago to Ann Arbor to check out Zimmerman's deli when Amtrak drops you off a 7-minute walk from the deli?
• For Juneteenth, Pace will display its 1949 GMC bus, model Rosa Parks rode when launching Montgomery boycott, today 10 AM to 6 PM at DuSable Museum

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