• Commuters Take Action op-ed: More cuts are likely coming to CTA service. It’s time to fire Dorval Carter Jr. instead (Tribune)
• Driver ran red Monday around 7:30 AM in 2700 block of W. Peterson in W. Rogers Park and struck another vehicle, killing man on sidewalk (ABC)
• Around 7 PM Monday pickup driver, 33, turned onto McDonough from Larkin in Joliet fatally struck female pedestrian, 49, fled and later returned (FOX)
• 3 injured, 2 critically, after wrong-way driver strikes another vehicle Tuesday at about 12:40 AM on 3000-block of S. DLSD (ABC)
• These South And West side neighborhoods have been hardest hit by pollution, study shows (Block Club)
• "Asia on Argyle" sign and pagoda canopy are being taken down from Argyle 'L' stop this week as part of RPM, and they're not coming back (Block Club)
• Illinois Prairie Path marks 60 years since the start of rails-to-trails movement (Daily Herald)
• Sun-Times: Micromobility is exploding across urban and suburban areas while also building rapidly at outdoor sites and trails
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