- Commuters Take Action calls for Dorval Carter Jr. to resign (Block Club)
- Long-delayed Damen Green Line station will supposedly open in 2024 (FOX)
- CTA issues Request for Qualifications for for Red Line Extension project contractors (Mass Transit)
- Courtney discussed CTA security cameras with NBC New York as NYC leaders plan to add more subway cams
- Two Rich Township High School students killed in Richton Park crash after driver struck fixed object (CBS)
- Person was killed, multiple lanes of traffic shut down on I-55 after Semi / car crash near Lemont on Tuesday (CBS)
- Streeterville group opposes regular closing of Clark Street for outdoor dining in River North (Sun-Times)
- Missing a bike in Lisle? You have two weeks to claim it from the police before it is donated (FOX)
- Heritage Bikes' Wilson Avenue coffee shop location is closing (Block Club)

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