- WGN looks at how Gerardo Marciales' loved ones and advocates spurred CDOT to install concrete medians on DLSD
- Housing chief Marissa Novara discuses the Connecting Communities eTOD plan with Governing
- CTA looks to partner with Chicago Department of Family and Support Services to support unhoused riders (Mass Transit)
- 2 dead after driver speeded passed stoped cars in oncoming lane, struck another vehicle head-on, in Bartlett (WGN)
- Man, 67, suffers serious, non-life-threatening injuries after a turning driver struck him at Milwaukee/Dempster in Niles (ABC)
- Paramedics showed up to school bus-car crash at Roosevelt/Canal yesterday afternoon (CBS)
- White woman charged with hate crime after confronting Black cyclists at Winnetka beach gets probation (Sun-Times)
- 2,200 housing units near casino site get plan commission’s OK (Sun-Times)
- What's it like riding Amtrak's Southwest Chief from Chicago to Los Angeles? (Cranky Flier)
- The group formerly known as The Chicago Transit Authority wins Axios' Battle of the (Chicago) Bands poll

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