- Former CDOT chief Gabe Klein will head Biden's $7.5B program to build out country's EV charging network (Streetsblog USA)
- New 43rd Ward alder Timmy Knudsen met with residents at Oz Park. Will he support or oppose Dickens Greenway? (Block Club)
- Bicyclist randomly attacked Sunday evening on Lakefront Trail near river, suffered black eye, scrapes and concussion
- The Bronzeville Trail Task Force has raised $100K for plan to convert abandoned Kenwood CTA tracks into trail (Block Club)
- Railway Age looks at Chicagoland's status as the nation’s freight and passenger rail hub
- The Rat Patrol, a longtime Chicago "freak bike" crew, gets its closeup in Block Club
- Chicago Critical Mass' "50th anniversary" (in reality the 25th anniversary of monthly rides) is Friday 9/30, 5:30 PM in Daley Plaza

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