- Lakeview's Ald. Tom Tunney (44th), zoning chair who voted to raise speed cam threshold, stepping down (Sun-Times)
- Police release surveillance images of red SUV whose driver fatally struck Taha Khan, 5, in Sauganash (ABC)
- CPD releases image of white Kia Optima sedan whose driver seriously injured a senior walking at 51st/Michigan (FOX)
- Teen in good condition with arm injury after a driver struck him as he biked out of alley in Jefferson Park (FOX)
- Woman and daughter attacked by mob at 95th Red as guard stood by, another woman attacked as CBS crew set up
- Police now say man who told them he was attacked on Lake Red Line platform gave inaccurate info (NBC)
- CDOT upgrades Logan Boulevard bike lanes, near intersection where 2 cyclists were killed, with concrete curbs
- Southside Critical Mass takes place Friday 9/2, 6 PM at Nichols Park, 1550 E. 53rd in Hyde Park
- Metra adds service on its UP Northwest Line and capacity on Metra Electric for ATA' Bike the Drive on 9/4
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