- ATA's Amy Rynell discusses the killing of a man, 55, on a bike by SUV driver who ran stop sign in Armour Square (WGN)
- Killing of ped Meireis Shawman, 40, by speeding driver in Clearing happened during chaotic drag race weekend (Block Club)
- 7 injured, including 2 children, 4 critically, after driver ran red at 63rd/Halsted in Englewood, struck another vehicle (ABC)
- Fundraiser planned for Raul Basulto, who nearly lost his leg when hit-and-run driver struck him last year (Block Club)
- CTA says surveillance footage contradicts CPD claim man was stabbed, robbed at Lake Red stop Sunday (FOX)
- CPD: Woman was shot in knee during confrontation on Red Line train near Lake Street early Saturday morning (CBS)
- Chinatown's Wentworth Avenue named one of the coolest streets in the world (Time Out)
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