- After city boosted policing, security guards on CTA, riders say nothing has changed (Block Club)
- Ghost bike vigil for Gerardo Marciales Thursday 4/28, 6 PM at Balbo/DuSable LSD (Bike Lane Uprising)
- Ald. Beale hopes to introduce ordinance today raising speed cam ticketing threshold back to 10 mph (ABC)
- Who are the ‘Violence Interrupters' – the group looking to tackle CTA crime? (NBC)
- Blue Line service temporarily suspended between the UIC/Halsted and Grand due to track debris (ABC)
- Division Street Blue Line station could be renamed to honor area’s Polish past (Block Club)
- Lightfoot is asking up to $75 million in upfront cash from the three finalists for Chicago's casino license (Crain's)
- Durbin op-ed: “Loop skyscrapers must be demolished to protect safety of Dirksen federal building” (Sun-Times)
- After fire at Andersonville's Smashy Automotive, facade elements potentially salvaged for reuse (Uptown Update)
- Heritage Bicycles and Coffee owner is opening a new bar in the West Loop (Eater)
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