- Forest Preserve Worker Allegedly Killed a Man in DUI While Driving Official Vehicle (Tribune)
- Child's Foot Struck by Train After He Tried to Retrieve Football From Tracks (NBC)
- 3 Held After South Loop Police Pursuit Ends in Crash (Tribune)
- Contrary to Park District Rules, Cyclists Were Ticketed for biking on the LFT at 3 AM (Facebook)
- IDOT's Safety Signs Are on Point When It Comes to Distracted Driving & Hotdog Toppings
- Chicago Bike Week Rally Rescheduled for Wednesday July 18, 5-7 PM in Daley Plaza
- Beverly Area Planning Association Hosts Bikes & Brews Race on Friday, July 20
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I’d like to give a big thanks to everyone who has donated so far this year to help us raise $50K by our August 1 deadline in order to win the $50K challenge grant from the Chicago Community Trust. The additional $25K The Trust is offering this year will allow us to hire a new part-time reporter to expand our coverage of the South and West sides, communities of color, and women's transportation issues.
Reader donations and ad renewals have been coming in steadily, we’ve gotten a few large gifts from some of our most loyal readers, and a couple other major contributions are likely to materialize in the near future. But with less than a month to go, we’re in the home stretch, and we need to raise more donations from readers like you, which typically make up about a third of the $50K we raise each year. Can you help us win the challenge grant by chipping in? You can make a tax-exempt donation on our Public Good page.
Thanks for your support, and have a great summer.
- John Greenfield, editor, Streetsblog Chicago