- CTA: Cutting Absenteeism Has Saved $10 Million (Sun-Times, Tribune, Daily Journal)
- Head of CTA Workers Union Disputes City's Absenteeism Figures (NBC)
- Emanuel Decries $14 Million Reduction in State Subsidy for Reduced Fares (Sun-Times)
- Another Metra Board Member Resigns in Wake of Scandal (Tribune, NBC)
- Family Mourns Boy Killed on Bicycle Near Arlington Heights (Tribune)
- Argyle Between Broadway & Sheridan to Become a "Shared Space" Street (DNA, Transitized)
- Development at Lathrop Homes Site Would Have 752 Off-Street Parking Spaces (DNA)
- Using the Chicagoland Bicycle Map to Find Tranquil Suburban Routes (Tribune)
- "Gifts to the Street" Enhance the Pedestrian Experience (BWLP)
- BMX Bike Shop Opening in Noble Square (DNA)
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