Sharon Hoyer
Reopened Grayland Metra viaduct, near locations where drivers killed 2 cyclists, now has curb-protected bike lanes
And a few blocks away, CDOT is installing a Neighborhood Greenway on Long Avenue, where drivers recently injured and killed teens on bikes.
This is Grand! CDOT cuts ribbon on new protected bike lanes on a key West Side diagonal street
The project also has lots of other nifty Complete Streets features, like raised crosswalks, bus islands, and the conversion of a dangerous slip lane to a new plaza.
The photo project Chicagoans Who Bike encourages more people to ride, one story at a time
Photographer and interviewer Viktor Köves talks to residents he meets all over the city about their cycling habits, with the goal of getting more folks on spokes.
CDOT built it, they came: New report shows Chicago leads the nation in biking growth
The study's findings contrast with People for Bikes studies that repeatedly ranked Chicago as one of the very worst large U.S. cities for cycling.
One agency to rule them all: Advocates are cautiously optimistic about proposed bill to combine the 4 Chicago area transit bureaus
The Active Transportation Alliance, Commuters Take Action, and Equiticity weigh in on the proposed legislation.
TLC in the IMD: the Illinois Medical District Commission releases bike and pedestrian safety plan
Five proposed projects would improve walking and biking safety - and beautify - the IMD.
“We’re all equally in danger”: Ride Illinois launches statewide bike fatality awareness campaign
The statewide bicycle advocacy organization recently announced its “Our Response to Fatal Crashes” campaign, an effort to raise awareness of the traffic violence crisis across Illinois.
At Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee hearing, CDOT reports that bike infra construction, encouragement is shifting into high gear
Bike and pedestrian program czar Dave Smith discussed the agency’s strategy for improving bikeways and encouraging more people to ride.
Study published by Spin makes a convincing argument for improving the bike network as a strategy to keep scooter riders off sidewalks
Keeping scooter riders off sidewalks would strengthening the argument for e-scooters being a public good instead of an annoyance.