Cameron Bolton
47th Ward Touts Bike/Ped Infra and New Projects at Community Meeting
Ward celebrates improvements on Irving Park and around schools. Next up: Leland Greenway.
Leaders celebrated for commitment to public transit and pedestrian safety at annual Movers & Shakers Ball
1st Ward Ald. Daniel La Spata, Metra CEO James M. Derwinski, and 7th District Illinois State Senator Mike Simmons were honored at the event.
A bridge too far? CDOT plans to include precast curb-lined bike lanes on the new Western span, but advocates want more robust protection
This part of South Western is part of a marked bicycle route, so advocates say the current plan would be a missed opportunity to greatly improve bike safety.
Want to spread the word about healthy, sustainable, and fun transportation options? CDOT’s SAFE Ambassadors are hiring
The program, which launched in the early 2000s with a focus on bicycling, now covers a wide range of ways to get around Chicago safely.
Take it to the bridge! Meeting attendees want CDOT’s Division Street plan to extend bikeway separation to the new spans
Sustainable transportation advocates see some good things about the plan, and others aspects that need improvement.
Commuters Take Action’s Brandon McFadden discusses “Data Science and Transit” with UChicago Transit Enthusiasts
McFadden discussed CTAction's success using statistics to turn up the heat on CTA officials to improve service.
Private sector entities: Got a bright idea to solve the CTA’s problems? Submit it to the agency’s new Innovation Studio
The transit agency wants to "test solutions for improved system safety, asset management and real-time information at bus stops."
Recent Chicago Mobility Collaborative meeting took place in, discussed transportation issues in, Chinatown
CDOT and Ald. Nicole Lee talked about transportation projects in the 11th Ward, but we didn't get an answer as to when the Wells-Wentworth Connector will finally open.
Transit advocates weigh in on the CTA’s Refresh & Renew program
Advocates say the program to occasionally deep-clean 'L' stations is nice, but it would be great if the agency put more effort into keeping train stops sanitary all the time.
New Elevated Chicago / DePaul studies look at how vacant lots near transit impact quality of life on the South and West sides
The reports also finds that redevelopment of this land is more likely to bring about positive change when community members are heavily involved.